• Maritime Konnect

    Welcome to Maritime Konnect (Markon)

    Succeeding in business is all about making the connection (Richard Branson)
  • Maritime Konnect

    Welcome to Maritime Konnect (Markon)

    Networking is the No. 1 unwritten rule of success in business. (Sallie Krawcheck)
  • Maritime Konnect

    Welcome to Maritime Konnect (Markon)

    Networking that matters is helping people achieve their goals ( Seth Godin)

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Life-Long Membership

Life long members who pay one-time Life-Long Membership fee as determined by the Executive committee, shall be given Life-Long Membership.These Members only shall be eligible to hold office as President, Secretary.

Ordinary Membership

Ordinary Membership of the Association shall be open to any person above 18 years old of age, who are from shipping/maritime industry including Oil&Gas industry. Ordinary members shall have voting rights.

Associate Membership

This is third no of membership.Membership of the Association shall be open to any person above 18 years who does not meet the requirements of Membership. Members shall have no voting rights.

Benfits of Markon membership

Every application for membership shall be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary who shall, at the first convenient opportunity, submit it to the Executive Committee for approval. The Executive Committee may at its discretion approve or reject any application without assigning any reason thereof. Every applicant shall upon payment of the prescribed entrance fee and the subscription, for the appropriate period be admitted as a member of the Association and be entitled to all the rights and privileges for the type of membership.

Life Long Members

Ordinary Members

Associate Members

Society Members All Members